Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How to Use Coupons for Your Business (Without Losing Money)

Coupons can be a great tool for your business—or a great way to lose money.

It all depends on how smart you are and how profitable you design your coupon to be. You may not realize it, but even on daily deal and coupon sites, you have more control than you might think.

It’s not about how many people buy or use your coupons, it’s about making the most of it—both in terms of profits and getting new or return customers that become regulars (not “one offs”).
11 tips to help you get the most out of offering coupons for your business

Use these tips to create a profitable and successful coupon strategy that will help grow your business.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

4 Things You Won’t Regret Spending Money on When Starting Your Business

When starting a business, the costs add up so fast that entrepreneurs are usually looking for ways to save money rather than increase costs.

It’s no joke that the number of essential, necessary costs can be enough to make a new business owner’s head spin. Nonetheless, not all business costs are compulsory. While in the business planning process or the early stages of operation, business owners will undoubtedly write off some non-essentials as unnecessary, too expensive, or earmark them for some time “down the road.”

Arguably, you shouldn’t spend your hard-earned startup funding on $1000 office chairs. However, some expenses are worth shelling out for, and will pay dividends down the road when the investment is made up front.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Figuring Out Which Companies and Industries Will Be Most Damaged by Brexit

Now that Theresa May, the British prime minister, has announced that the UK will invoke Article 50, triggering a two-year countdown to withdrawal from the European Union, some things have become clearer. Though it is hard to predict how a bargaining game involving strong emotions as well as economics will play out, we can offer some conjectures about what will happen.

These conjectures are mostly based on what I have called the law of distance — the observation that the interactions between two countries are proportional to their sizes (GDPs) and inversely proportional to the distance between them. Distance, in this sense, is not just physical distance but also cultural distance (e.g., whether two countries have different/similar official languages) and administrative distance (e.g., the absence or presence of a historical colony-colonizer link between the two). The law of distance has been associated with some of the most robust results in international economics, which is why it underpinned the UK Treasury’s generally well-regarded analysis, a year ago, of the long-term consequences of Brexit.

Generac 5943 GP7500E Portable Generator

Generac 5943 GP7500E is a portable generator that gives both flexibility and comfort, style and aesthetics as well as convenience during...